Green Smoothies For Weight Loss – Can Green Smoothies be Used for Weight Loss?

by Dan | Last Updated: January 11, 2021

Did you know that green smoothies are full of fiber and other nutrients and very low in fat? That makes them ideal for weight loss- but when it comes to using green smoothies for weight loss, you need to keep these seven tips in mind- and check out 10 Day Smoothie Cleanse.

1.  Start with Plant Milks or Water

The plant milks, that is hemp, cashew, almond, or coconut milks, are very low in calories and fat. Almond milk will make your green smoothie more filling and give it a much creamier texture than the others.

You might be skeptical about plant milks and want to use dairy milk or yogurt instead- but try to stay away from those as they bring extra calories and fat to your smoothie. Plus, they can also have some negative consequences to your health and sabotage your weight loss goals.

2.  Add Some Healthy Fat

In order to promote weight loss, you should be adding some healthy fat to your smoothies- such as ¼ avocado, fresh coconut, 1 Tablespoon chia seeds/flaxseeds, or nut milks. The truth is that fat is not what is making you fat. The plant-based fats are healthy and good for you- and encourage your body fat to melt away.

However, you must be careful to keep your fat content fairly low because too much fat and fruit in a smoothie can result in bloating and gas. Plus, fat is a dense calorie source. It’s true that calories from whole foods are better- but too many from anywhere are going to sabotage your efforts.

3.  Naturally Sweeten with Fruit

When you’re making your green smoothie, don’t shy away from using sweet fruits such as grapes, mangoes, bananas, or anything else you love. These fruits add some sweetness without adding extra calories because the sugars found in fruit are natural and don’t cause weight gain.

It’s best if you can avoid using maple syrup, honey, or agave because the concentrated sugars actually cause your weight loss smoothie to become a sugar bomb. The refined, processed, concentrated sugar will sabotage your weight loss efforts.

If you must have sweetener in your smoothie, add dates- but you must gradually wean yourself off of those as well because they are also a source of concentrated sugars.

4.  Use Quality Protein Powder

If you want to, you can use a plant-based protein powder in your smoothies, as this will increase the protein content in your smoothie and will also help keep you satisfied and full. Of course, you can also naturally increase the protein content of your smoothies by adding goji berries, chia seeds, and greens such as kale or dandelions.

5.  Make Your Smoothie a Meal

Many people have difficulty with this, but when you substitute a green smoothie for one of your meals, you easily decrease your caloric intake. In addition, it increases your consumption of fruits, veggies, fiber, and water- which are all great ways to support your weight loss efforts.

Keep in mind that the best meal to substitute a green smoothie for would be breakfast so that you stay fuller longer and are less likely to have unhealthy lunchtime cravings.

6.  Choose Fresh, Whole Foods

You can boost your metabolism and lose more weight by adding fresh, whole foods such as dark leafy greens, fruits, and veggies. These are full of fiber, and rich in micronutrients.

While fresh is always best, if you want to save money, you can use frozen or buy fresh fruits and veggies in bulk and freeze them to use later on. You should avoid using canned fruits because they are typically soaked in syrup and full of preservatives, making them inferior to fresh in terms of nutritional value.

7.  Don’t Only Rely on Green Smoothies to Lose Weight

While it’s true that green smoothies can definitely be beneficial for helping you lose weight, the only way to have long term results is to make changes in your diet and lifestyle. The green smoothies are best used as part of a diet that is balanced and rich in whole foods.

Do a Smoothie Cleanse

If you want to get a jump start or a little help reaching your weight loss goals, you should know that following a prescribed plan and having a support system will help- and increase your chances of being successful.

Using a green smoothie cleanse is super easy and can help you to effectively lose a few pounds or even get past a plateau, improve your digestion, increase your energy, increase your cravings for healthy foods, increase energy levels, help you sleep better, and get rid of the mental fog.

Smoothie Ingredients for Weight Loss

While it’s true that all fruits and veggies are great for weight loss, but there are a few of them that do stand above the crowd. The ones that make weight loss smoothies most effective are those that are high in fiber and low in calories.

The best ingredients that you can add to your weight loss smoothies are:

You can add raw oats to your green weight loss smoothie to create a thicker, filling texture and add some extra protein, fiber, and healthy fat. Check out 10 Day Smoothie Cleanse for more information.